Thursday, June 3, 2010


Ampm exterminators specialize in humane capture and removal of nuisance wildlife from both residential and commercial properties. We operate a full-service nuisance wildlife pest control company, specializing in conflicts between people and wild animals. We do far more than just trap and remove animals. We provide a complete and permanent solution for your critter problem. For example, if you've got animals living in your house, we don't simply trap and remove them. We find the root cause of the problem - usually something attractive about the house, such as holes or openings at the roof line leading into the attic, and we seal these openings shut after the wildlife have been removed, so that you don't have the problem ever again. We identify and repair any damage that the animals may have caused, and clean up after their habitation, which may have resulted in biohazardous waste left behind. We perform our services with the greatest of attention to detail and the highest quality customer service, and back up our work with a guarantee
On the hunt for food, a single ant can lead the way for the entire colony to invade your home. The best way to control the problem is to find the nest and remove the queen.

Cockroaches can spread germs, make allergies worse and multiply at a record-breaking speed.

More homes are damaged by termites each year than by fire.

Find out how flies carry more than 100 pathogens that can cause dangerous diseases in humans and animals, such as typhoid, polio and tuberculosis--and how to control these pests

Because rodents multiply so quickly, just a few can lead to an out-of-control infestation before you know it.

Not only are their webs a nuisance around the house, but spiders can inflict painful, sometimes dangerous bites.

Mosquitoes The threat of mosquito-borne diseases could affect your family and pets.

Found in areas of high humidity, silverfish eat through paper and other items with high starch content.

Ticks carry many serious diseases, including Lyme disease, encephalitis and typhus. They can live for over 500 days without a meal.

Wasps and Bees
Wasps can be distinguished from bees by their smooth, rather than hairy, bodies. Very protective of their nests, the will defend against invaders with painful stings. The common bee sting, while harmless to most people, can be very painful.

House crickets can damage silk, woolens, paper, fruits and vegetables. They can eat almost anything available.

Female moths can lay up to 200 eggs, and moth larvae feed on wool fabric and fur, doing damage to valuable clothing items.

Carpenter Ants
Carpenter ants cut "galleries" into the wood in your home. Colonies can contain up to 50,000 workers, and infestations are very difficult to control. Carpenter ants may also be mistaken for termites.
 A bedbug can individually and collectively cause a number of health effects including skin rashes, psychological effects and allergic symptoms. Bedbug bites or cimicosis may lead to a range of skin manifestations from no visible effects to prominent blisters. Diagnosis involves both finding bedbugs and the occurrence of compatible symptoms.Treatment involves the elimination of the insect but is otherwise symptomatic.
Because infestation of human habitats has been on the increase in developed countries, bedbug bites and related conditions have been on the rise as well, since the 1980s-1990s. The exact causes of this resurgence remain unclear; it is variously ascribed to greater foreign travel, more frequent exchange of second-hand furnishings among homes, a greater focus on control of other pests resulting in neglect of bedbug countermeasures, and increasing resistance to pesticides. Bedbugs have been known human parasites for thousands of years
Fleas feed on human blood through small bites in the skin. They can jump from your carpet up to your ankles and calves, and a female flea can produce up to 800 eggs during her lifetime.
Fleas are notorious for infesting dogs and cats, "biting" them and causing them to itch and scratch. Fleas actually suck blood and can transmit diseases in the process. They usually prefer to feed on dogs or cats. And the flea population in a home can be staggering, but so long as there are enough dogs and/or cats for the fleas to feed on people may remain unaware. However, when the flea population increases to where they need to compete for "food sources," or when a dog or cat dies or moves away, they are then more than happy to feed on humans! Since their numbers increase in the summer, some of the worse cases take place when the family goes on vacation and the pets have been kept at the kennel. With no pets to feed on, and the fleas increasing in numbers, they are poised for any motion-and are ravenous when everyone comes home.
Spiders Of the many species of identified spider species, house spiders are the most frequently found in human dwelling places. Although their presence is discomforting, house spiders are not necessarily lethal to humans. Small, controlled populations can even prove useful, as they consume other unwanted household pests. Several species are considered house spiders. Some of the more prevalent house spider species include the common house spider, the domestic house spider, the aggressive house spider and the brown house spider.A house spider's body is divided into the cephalothorax and the abdomen. Like scorpions, mites and ticks, house spiders are wingless. They are classified as arachnids rather than insects and have eight, single-lens eyes.House spider webs are typically funnel-shaped and can be located in various places within a home, including windows, ceiling corners and above or beneath fixtures. House spider webs are large and constructed of thin silk threads. They serve both as dwelling places and as traps for prey. House spider prey is paralyzed by venom injection before being broken down by digestive juices. As a result, prey is liquefied to allow for consumption
Mites Affecting Humans
“Mite” is a term commonly used to refer to a group of insect-like organisms, some of which bite or cause irritation to humans. While some mites parasitize animals, including man, others are scavengers, some feed on plants, and many prey on insects and other arthropods. In fact, there are nearly as many different types of mites as there are insects. Like their relatives, the ticks, mites pass through four stages of development: egg to larva to nymph to adult. All stages have eight legs except the six-legged larva.Most mites never come in contact with humans, but some that do can affect a person’s health. Yet, in many situations where mites or other “invisible” arthropods are believed to be biting or “attacking” people, no causative organism is present. The irritation may be real or imagined: real, due to mechanical, chemical or other inanimate irritants, or imagined due to a psychological disorder.While mites rarely transmit disease to humans in the United States, they definitely impact health in ways that range from simply being a nuisance when they enter homes in large numbers, to inflicting severe skin irritation that can cause intense itching. The most commonly encountered mites, including those that can adversely affect human health, are listed below
 Birds - Various SpeciesBirds only become a serious problem when they nest in homes. Unfortunately, sometimes the number of birds and the amount of bird droppings can create a health hazard in the attic or other area in which they are nesting. In such cases there can be a risk of histoplasmosis or ectoparisites. Woodpeckers cause their own unique brand of problem when they drill holes in the siding of homes. In most cases "build out," netting, or scare tactics are relied upon for control and a decontamination service used when the nesting has been extensive
Fabric Pests
Fabric Pests are those insects that destroy cloth and other items made of wool, hair, leather, and/or silk. These insects have a unique ability to digest wool and cause havoc to clothing, wool carpeting and tapestries, furs, animal trophies, and some leather goods.
We also remediate attic and crawlspace problems such as decontamination and insulation removal & repair after rodents have damaged those areas.

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